Are you looking to get your students involved with a STEM tour that will last a lifetime? Look no further. At Latitude Group Travel, our tours are completely custom-built to cater to your curriculum focuses, helping you provide meaningful lessons and experiential learning opportunities for your students.
One of our most sought-after and popular tours we’re excited to share, Space Camp, is perfect for an innovative, STEM-based program. We understand that researching overseas Space Camps for your students can be overwhelming, and that’s why we take the pressure off by custom-designing Space Camp trips specifically suited to you.
At Latitude Group Travel, we’re proud to say we specialise in STEM-based educational tours to the USA, including NASA Space Camp. We not only take you there but our specifically designed itineraries include a wide range of other space and STEM-related experiences to enhance your STEM curriculum. Able to link curriculum focuses are Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Space and Earth and Environmental Sciences. We help you make the most of your tour and leave your students with experiences that last a lifetime.
Whether it’s taking the classic route of a USA Space Camp, or something a little closer to home, we’re happy to provide curriculum-linked, custom itineraries to suit your students and provide genuine learning outcomes.
We can have additional experiential learning activities that we can add to your Space Camp tour and which can also form the basis of a stunning and deep diving STEM tour, covering all the subjects of the Sciences and STEM. These activities can include Orlando, Washington, Boston, Seattle, New York, LA and more. Experiential learning will include experiments, simulations, Question and & Answers with experts in their fields and much more. Attending the Museum of one of the most highly regarded tech university includes workshops, the group can work on Science fieldwork from a specifically fitted out science boat, go to visit the high tech high schools that have become popular in the USA, take very relevant STEM workshops at theme parks and can even go to a spy organisation where the workshops are specifically STEM related and divided into each area of STEM, so that you can choose your preference.
Latitude Group Travel has the widest range and number of experiential learning activities in the travel world, so if you would like your students to have a power of hands on learning to inspire them into future STEM studies and careers, we are the people to custom design your hands on learning itinerary. In addition, if you prefer Europe, we can devise a STEM tour or more, that will be equally rich in STEM experiences and any other cross curriculum priority or subjects you may choose to include in your custom designed program