Latitude Group Travel and International Space School Education Trust (ISSET) are proud to announce a STEM program to be run in Australia and internationally

Exclusive to Latitude Group Travel, this program comes from International Space School Education Trust. Students spend 5 days working with astronauts, world renowned scientists and NASA leaders in Australia’s most exciting STEM program.
After the astronauts share the design brief, students will then take on the role of a research scientist and work within small teams on their science project. Their mission is to create an experiment which will be carried out in space and present their idea to a board of esteemed judges. The judges will pick one winning team, whose experiment will be built by NASA, launched to the International Space Station (ISS) and carried out in space by the astronauts aboard the ISS!
This extraordinary opportunity is extremely affordable for most schools. There will be programs geared exclusively towards schools which may require subsidies, where necessary. Aimed at middle years’ students, the program can also be tailored for senior years.
We are able to run several of these programs consecutively this year and each year moving forward, however we encourage interested schools to contact us as soon as possible, as the ISSET/NASA team will only be available for a specific amount of time in Australia each year. (If you are outside Australia and are interested in this program for your country, please contact us)
The programs will generally operate locally, in your city or country location at nearby tertiary institutions or, if your school can fill a whole program, it can also be delivered at the school. With a minimum of 250 students and a maximum of 400, it may also be desirable for some schools to combine together to access the program and this is something with which we can assist.
When developing their experiments, students work in teams of 6 and are mentored by tertiary Science students. During the mornings and afternoons, the groups come together to learn from the brilliant NASA role models, astronauts, astronaut trainers, NASA personnel, scientists and engineers.
- NASA leadership and team building
- Space and STEM
- How space exploration benefits life on Earth
- Experiencing the environment of space
- Evaluating a range of experiments – what makes them great
- Previous successful experiments in space
- What it’s like working in space
- How to succeed in your dreams and ambitions
With the students, the NASA experts explore how to approach initial research and explain the process of budgeting and planning for their experiment. There is also sharing of knowledge about the experiment size and limitations. Mission completion certificates are given to all students and the winning team announced on the final day.
The NASA team dine and socialise with the students during lunch so that there is personal, one on one contact and plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
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Or call us to enquire further about this amazing opportunity.
Felicity Irwin
Marketing Manager
Phone: +61 412 007 105
Email: [email protected]
Jenny Murphy
Phone: +61 3 9646 4200 or 0417 593 193
Email: [email protected]